Thursday, February 23, 2006

Other Peoples Programs

Programmers have always had a hard time with OPP. Its never the way you want it, and there is this primal urge to rewrite. And yet of course most programs in the world work, do what their programmers wrote them to do, and will work better if left alone than if rewritten.

But there's always the exception, which I've battled all this week. If a program is so badly written that you can't use it, what use is it? Will rewriting fix it. My program de jour was a Cheque Audit report which only shows the transactions that it likes, not the transactions it thinks are wrong.

This is the problem with SQL in some ways. Its great to be able to join 7 different tables together and toss in some neat critiera and get back piles and piles of data, but I think its a bit wierd to put that into a curosr and then omit entries you really don't want. Because the join also implicitly rejects anything that isn't part of the join. So if you don't see a record, is it because it wasn't in the driving SQL or at the rejection point?

So I gave up in the end and left the program alone. I've written an audit report which audits the data underlying the report on the assumption that when the data is wrong the original report doesn't work, but when it's right it's fine. We'll see.

Friday, February 03, 2006

10 Reasons why Civilisation IV sucks.

10. Can't chance your galleys in the ocean.

9. It requires more CPU and memory than Pirates did. Its bigger, its bolder, and its slower - do they think we are we all users who buy the latest PC every time there is a new release of Doom?

8. Dialog boxes won't accept Enter to get out. You have to mouse to Ok and press it.

7. Map is hard to read. Very pretty, but not as iconic as Civ III.

6. Can't tell units apart. They used to wear uniforms and appear in one colour. Now they carry a flag. A bit like trying to identify the players on a football field.

5. Can't climb mountains. Where are the Von Trapps when you need them?

4. You don't get told you've got civil disorder. You just see a pile of smoke.

3. Doesn't prompt for the latest Wonders that you can build, just the Wonder it thinks you can build. You're then out of pocket when you discover someone else has built it 3 turns later and you could have been building something better.

2. Arbitrarily zooms in and out.

1. It doesn't matter what I do, I still can't beat Bob in PBEM.